
On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness

" If ...such a language combines and accumulates powerful traditions within it ('Abrahamic culture and that of a philosophical humanism, and more precisely a cosmopolitan born from a graft of stoicism with Pauline Cristianity), why does it…

Globali transformation

Cultural globalization is transforming the context in which and the means through which national culture are produced and reproduced, but its particular impact on the nature and effecacy of national culturres - on the hold and influence of…

華氏911、Micheal Moore



今年のD−day 記念式典は60周年記念で、生存者が大規模に集う最後の式典と言われていた。 731部隊のドキュメンタリーが作られたのも、最近になって死ぬ前に当時のことを話しておきたいという当事者たちが次々に現れてきたからだという。やはり、墓まで…




日本からロンドンに帰宅。 翌日いきなり風邪をひく。のどが痛い。 スチームが喉によいような気がしたので、ジムに行くと、スチームバスは故障中。 しょうがないので、せっかく来たのだからとサウナにはいる。汗が出てきたのでスイミングプールに飛び込むと寒…

British film and Thatcherism

'While American film go-ers wellcome british directores and performers, British films rarely achive popular acclaim and menetary rewards. Only small percentage of British films, such as The Private life of Henry 7(1933) and Chariots of fir…

Globalization of comminication

"As the economy, the globalizatin of commuications is not a new phenomenon, and it has not been continuous. Globalization gathered momentum with the rise of the international neews agencies in the ninteenth centry, accelerated with the glo…

The paradox of national culture

Under globalization, the more nation-state erodes its sovereignty- political and economic autonomous capacity- the more nation-state becomes in need of and dependent on the representation of national culturte. The more flows of cultural go…







Cultural imperialism


Cool Japan ????

クール・ジャパン???蒸し暑い日本において、クールジャパンもないだろうとは思うのだが、クールの発祥地イギリス、Cool Britain、においてすら今年すでに摂氏35度を記録した。異常気象だ、何だってあり得る、と言われれば、確かにその通り。今年のカン…

Banal nationalism

'In established nations, the imagination become enhabited, and, thereby, inhibited. In this sense, the term 'imagined community' may be misleading. The community and its place are not so much imagined, but thier absence becomes unimaginabl…


It is noisy outside. The construction wark has been going on for over a year just next to my office. In summerly days, when I open the windows open, drilling noize breezes in. Early summer is the best time in Britain. Everything looks blig…


I have just come back from Cannes. I stayed in the darkness of place de festival, and kept staring at the flickering screen every day and night for eleven days. I love cinema, much more than sunshine.


I never thought anybody would come to see my diary. I was just talking to myslf!!Thank you very much for your comment. I am slightly embarassed, I will try to write something of worth reading.

Work Shop at LSE Westminster

I have spoken in front of audience the first time today. It was presentation of my phd reserch, for other sudents , it was kind of practice run. I din't think I have done it well at all. I was not well prepared. I thought I could do better…